eslint prettier error what to do

How to Solve the “Insert ·· ESLint/Prettier” Error When working with modern JavaScript projects, developers often encounter the “Insert ·· ESLint/Prettier” error. This error is typically thrown by the ESLint and Prettier integration in your code editor, which are tools used to enforce code quality and consistency. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind this error and how to resolve it. Understanding the Error The error message “Insert ·· ESLint/Prettier” suggests that there is a formatting issue in your code that Prettier wants to correct.

Cloudflare anycast访问慢

网站接入Cloudflare之后,访问正常了一段时间。可是最近访问网站,总是奇慢无比,本文是相应的记录。 Cloudflare anycast Anycast 网络路由能够跨多个数据中心路由

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网站添加图片之后,性能指标评分下降,因为图片加载时间长。之前想着做image resize,由于cloudflare的image resize需